
  • 中国传统上一直从中东购买石油和天然气,但最近中国公司在能源基础设施方面进行了大量投资,以实现供应多样化并获得战略杠杆。

  • 上周,中国购买了其在卡塔尔一个气田的第一个股份,11月,达成了一项为期27年的协议,每年向中国供应400万吨液化天然气。

  • 长期以来,西方石油巨头一直是该地区的主导力量,但这些交易表明,这种情况正在开始转变。

  • 中国在中东地区越来越活跃,在调停地区对手和提出调停以色列和巴勒斯坦方面取得了外交成功。

  • 美国和中国之间不断加剧的紧张关系促使该地区的许多国家寻求更多的客户。

  • 中国对天然气进口的渴求给了它另一个工具来支撑其在该地区的影响力,中国在2021年成为世界最大的液化天然气进口国。

  • 这些交易使中国能够减少对美国和澳大利亚的依赖,并就来自俄罗斯的新天然气管道的条款进行谈判。

  • 中国一直试图挑战美元的首要地位,呼吁以中国的货币人民币结算更多石油和天然气贸易。

  • 在能源行业的股权为中国公司提供了对工业流程的更深入了解。

  • 中国国内有将液化气转化为气态用于发电的场地,但缺乏将液化气从气体冷凝为过冷液体以便乘船出口燃料的技术。中国公司不太可能出口自己的液化天然气,但更多的技术知识可以帮助他们在世界其他地区领导项目。

  • 国有的中国石油天然气集团公司在2018年从法国道达尔能源公司(TotalEnergies SE)手中收购了南帕尔斯气田项目的股份,然而一年后就退出了,原因是缺乏将天然气转换为液态以供出口的专业知识,而且由于国际制裁,资金转移困难。在过去的两年里,中国公司从卡塔尔能源公司赢得了四艘液化天然气船的订单和新的液化天然气出口工厂的工程、采购和施工合同。

  • 中国公司还与伊拉克签署了开发三个油气田的协议,作为巴格达增加电力生产的努力的一部分。这显示了中国在该地区战略的规模和多面性。

  • China has traditionally bought oil and gas from the Middle East, but recently Chinese companies have made big investments in energy infrastructure to diversify supplies and gain strategic leverage.

  • Last week, China bought its first stake in a Qatari gas field, and in November, a 27-year deal was made to supply 4 million tons of LNG each year to China.

  • Western oil majors have long been the dominant forces in the region, but these deals signal that this is beginning to shift.

  • China is becoming increasingly active in the Middle East with diplomatic success in mediating between regional rivals and in offering to mediate between Israel and Palestine.

  • Rising tensions between the U.S. and China have pushed many countries in the region to seek additional customers.

  • China’s hunger for gas imports gives it another tool to buttress its influence in the region and China became the world’s largest LNG importer in 2021.

  • The deals allow China to lessen its reliance on the U.S. and Australia and to negotiate terms on a new gas pipeline from Russia.

  • China has sought to challenge the primacy of the U.S. dollar by calling for the settlement of more oil and gas trade in China’s currency, the yuan.

  • Equity stakes in the energy industry offer Chinese companies a deeper understanding of the industrial process.

  • China has domestic sites for converting liquified gas back into a gaseous state for power generation, however lacks the know-how to condense it from a gas to a supercooled liquid for exporting the fuel by boat. Chinese companies are unlikely to export their own LNG, but more technical knowledge could help them lead projects in other parts of the world.

  • State-owned China National Petroleum Corp. acquired a stake in the South Pars gas field project from France’s TotalEnergies SE in 2018, however withdrew a year later due to lack of expertise in converting gas to its liquid state for export and difficulty in transferring funds due to international sanctions. In the past two years, Chinese companies have won orders from QatarEnergy for four LNG vessels and an engineering, procurement and construction contract for new LNG export plants.

  • Chinese companies have also signed deals with Iraq to develop three oil-and-gas fields, as part of Baghdad’s efforts to increase power production. This shows the scale and multidimensionality of China’s strategy in the region.