
  • 文章讨论了美国和菲律宾之间有史以来最大规模的年度军事演习,今年的演习首次包括对菲律宾北部的防御以及在中国通过武力夺取台湾的情况下为冲突做准备。美军从MV-22鹗式飞机上跑出,武器包括标枪和毒刺导弹发射器,一个Himars火箭发射器被带到了两栖登陆艇上。演习在巴斯克岛进行,该岛是中国和美国军队的一个主要海上中转站,被称为巴什海峡。

  • 大石海峡宽约70英里,与台湾南端和包括巴斯克在内的岛屿群接壤,为中国海军提供了通往台湾东海岸和太平洋的通道。中国在台湾周围军事活动的升级,包括最近的喷气式战斗机演习,加剧了菲律宾和其他附近国家对该地区战争的担忧。

  • 本周晚些时候,在美国和菲律宾之间的年度Balikatan军事演习结束时,计划发射Himars系统,以击沉菲律宾西海岸的一艘退役船只,该演习涉及17,500多名军人。帕迪拉少将说,这次演习将发出一个信号,在台湾南部附近活动的中国船只可能容易被击沉。

  • 中国在去年4月和8月进行了军事演习,以切断台湾在试图接管的情况下获得的外部支持。这包括在巴士海峡部署飞机、船只和发射导弹,以及宣布它为军事区。分析人士说,这是为了加强他们的能力,防止美国和其他部队进入海峡和周围海域。

  • 美国也一直在增加他们在该地区的存在,在菲律宾北部进行军事演习,菲律宾总统定于5月1日访问该地区,与拜登总统举行峰会。这使一些当地的政治领导人担心,菲律宾可能被拖入与中国在台湾问题上的冲突。

  • Ciriaco Gato Jr.议员表示,该省现在正在为潜在的冲突做准备,这可能会导致大量难民流向北部岛屿和在台湾工作的15万名菲律宾人。他说,该省必须为任何潜在的危机做好准备。

  • The article discusses the largest-ever annual military exercises between the U.S. and the Philippines, which this year for the first time included a focus on the defense of the northern Philippines and preparations for conflict if China moves to take Taiwan through force. U.S. troops ran out of MV-22 Osprey aircraft with weapons, including Javelin and Stinger missile launchers, and a Himars rocket launcher was brought ashore on an amphibious landing craft. The drills were conducted on Basco island, a major maritime transit point for both the Chinese and American militaries, known as the Bashi Channel.

  • The Bashi Channel, about 70 miles wide and bordered by the southern tip of Taiwan and the cluster of islands that include Basco, provides the Chinese navy with access to the east coast of Taiwan and the Pacific. An escalation of Chinese military activity around Taiwan, including the recent jet-fighter drills, have heightened concerns in the Philippines and other nearby countries about a war in the region.

  • Later this week, the Himars system is scheduled to be fired to sink a decommissioned ship off the west coast of the Philippines at the conclusion of the annual Balikatan military exercises between the U.S. and the Philippines, involving more than 17,500 troops. Maj. Gen. Padilla said the exercise will send a signal that Chinese ships operating around southern Taiwan could be vulnerable to sinking.

  • China has conducted military exercises in April and August of last year to cut off Taiwan from outside support in the event of an attempted takeover. This includes deploying aircraft, ships and firing missiles in the Bashi Channel as well as declaring it a military zone. Analysts say this is to sharpen their ability to prevent the US and other forces from accessing the channel and surrounding sea.

  • The US has also been increasing their presence in the area with military exercises in the northern Philippines, which the Philippine President is scheduled to visit for a summit with President Biden on May 1. This has caused some local political leaders to fear that the Philippines could be dragged into a conflict with China over Taiwan.

  • Rep. Ciriaco Gato Jr. has said the province is now preparing for a potential conflict, which could result in large refugee flows to the northern islands and the 150,000 Filipinos who work in Taiwan. He said the province must be prepared for any potential crisis.

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