
  • 安斯泰来制药公司(Astellas Pharma Inc.)的资深日本高管西山浩(Hiroshi Nishiyama)因涉嫌从事间谍活动而在中国被拘留。

  • 这一事件是一连串涉及在华外国公司的事件之一,例如中国当局询问了美国咨询公司贝恩公司的工作人员,并搜查了美国尽职调查公司明思集团的办公室。

  • 中国的反间谍法最近被更新,提高了普通商业行为可能被误解为间谍活动的风险。

  • 在北京的日本公司面临着北京和东京之间日益紧张的关系,并且不确定允许和不允许的活动之间的界限。

  • 日本大使馆已经发出了关于间谍行为的警告,手机、电脑、电子邮件和微信等消息应用程序可能被窃听。

  • 外国贸易公司在信息收集方面变得更加谨慎,特别是当涉及到与共产党有关的人直接沟通时。

  • 安斯泰来制药公司正在与日本政府就西山先生的拘留问题进行沟通,并将采取适当的措施。

  • 日本外务省多次呼吁中国尽快释放这位高管。

  • 中国国家安全部和外交部没有回应评论请求。

  • 中国驻日本大使吴江浩在一次新闻发布会上确认日本制药公司安斯泰来的一名高管为被拘留的高管。他表示,核心问题是涉及中国国家安全的间谍案,证据正变得越来越确凿。他还指出,中国张开双臂欢迎正常和友好的经济活动。

  • 此前,包括李强总理在内的中国领导人正试图向外国商界领袖保证中国的投资是安全的。许多外国企业对在中国投资持谨慎态度,因为中国政府在大流行病期间实施了控制措施,关闭了边境并引发了不可预测的工厂和城镇封锁。这位高管是自2015年以来被中国情报部门拘留的第17位日本公民。

  • 该高管西山先生曾担任中国日本工商会的副主席,并在中国工作了20年,担任安斯泰来公司的多种职务。3月19日,他在自己的微信账户上发布了梅尧臣的一首11世纪的中国诗,然后就消失了。

  • Hiroshi Nishiyama, a veteran Japanese executive of Astellas Pharma Inc., was detained in China on suspicion of espionage.

  • This incident is one of a string of events concerning foreign companies in China, such as Chinese authorities questioning staff of U.S. consulting firm Bain & Co. and raiding the office of American due diligence firm Mintz Group.

  • China’s anti-espionage law was recently updated, raising the risk that ordinary business behavior could be misconstrued as espionage.

  • Japanese companies in Beijing face increasing tensions between Beijing and Tokyo, and are uncertain of the lines between permissible and impermissible activities.

  • The Japanese embassy has issued warnings about espionage acts, and mobile phones, computers, email and messaging apps like WeChat could be tapped.

  • Foreign trading firms are becoming more cautious about information gathering, especially when it comes to direct communication with people linked to the Communist Party.

  • Astellas Pharma Inc. is communicating with the Japanese government about Mr. Nishiyama’s detention and will take appropriate measures.

  • Japan’s Foreign Ministry has repeatedly appealed to China for the executive’s quick release.

  • China’s Ministry of State Security and Foreign Ministry did not respond to requests for comment.

  • China’s ambassador to Japan, Wu Jianghao, identified an executive from Astellas, a Japanese pharmaceutical company, as the detained executive at a news conference. He stated that the core issue is a spy case involving China’s national security, and that the evidence is becoming increasingly conclusive. He also noted that China welcomes normal and friendly economic activities with open arms.

  • This comes as Chinese leaders, including Premier Li Qiang, are trying to assure foreign business leaders that China is safe for investments. Many foreign businesses have been wary of investing in China, as Beijing imposed control measures during the pandemic that closed borders and triggered unpredictable lockdowns of factories and towns. The executive is the 17th Japanese citizen detained by Chinese intelligence since 2015.

  • The executive, Mr. Nishiyama, has served as a vice chairman of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China and has been based in China for 20 years in multiple capacities for Astellas. On March 19, he posted an 11th-century Chinese poem by Mei Yaochen on his WeChat account, and then disappeared.

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