
  • 根据克里姆林宫新闻处的一份声明,乌克兰发射的两架无人驾驶飞机在被电子战系统击落后坠入克里姆林宫。社交媒体上流传的视频显示,克里姆林宫建筑群中冒出了白烟。没有人受伤,也没有造成重大损失。克里姆林宫说,它认为这次袭击是有计划的恐怖行为,是对俄罗斯联邦总统生命的企图。

  • 乌克兰已将不评论来自莫斯科的指控作为一项政策。最近几周,一连串的无人机袭击也让俄罗斯官员感到震惊,其中三起落在莫斯科靠近市中心的一个区。在整个冲突期间,美国向乌克兰军队提供情报,但警告基辅不要攻击俄罗斯领土。俄罗斯说,它在一连串的导弹袭击中击中了一些军事地点和国防工业设施。

  • 当局采取了前所未有的行动,从4月27日开始,在胜利日纪念活动之前,将红场关闭了两个星期。亲克里姆林宫的学者和军事分析家警告说,基辅可能会利用5月9日的假期发动其备受期待的春季攻势,这种说法最近几天在国家媒体上得到了支持。克里姆林宫表示,它保留采取报复措施的权利。

  • Two unmanned aircraft launched by Ukraine crashed into the Kremlin after they were downed by electronic-warfare systems, according to a statement by the Kremlin press service. Videos circulating on social media showed white smoke billowing out of the Kremlin complex. No one was injured and no major damage was caused. The Kremlin said it regarded the attack as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the life of the President of the Russian Federation.

  • Ukraine has made it a policy not to comment on the allegations from Moscow. A string of drone attacks have also rattled Russian officials in recent weeks, with three falling in a Moscow district close to the city center. The U.S. has provided intelligence to Ukrainian troops throughout the conflict, but has warned Kyiv against attacking Russian territory. Russia said it hit a number of military sites and defense-industry facilities in a barrage of missile strikes.

  • In an unprecedented move, authorities had closed down Red Square for two weeks, beginning April 27, ahead of the Victory Day commemoration. Pro-Kremlin pundits and military analysts have warned that Kyiv might use the May 9 holiday to launch its much-anticipated spring offensive, a narrative that has gained traction in state media in recent days. The Kremlin said it reserved the right to take retaliatory measures.