欧洲不好润了? “黄金签证 ”逐渐消失的内幕|彭博社

  • 来自中国天津的退休人员Sandy Chen,正试图在葡萄牙结束其 "黄金签证 "计划之前,在该国的格兰度拉Grândola购买一处房产。该计划为在该国投资35万欧元的外国人提供居住权和入籍途径。

  • 葡萄牙政府已经表示,它将很快终止该计划,但如果陈在立法者投票之前签署合同并提交申请,她可能仍然能够获得签证,并在欧盟自由生活和旅行。

  • 陈希望在该计划结束前在这个有14000人的小镇上找到一处房产,当她走在街上时,年长的居民从家里走出来,查看访客的情况。

  • 2008年,葡萄牙和其他欧洲国家推出了居住权出售计划,以帮助填补预算赤字。

  • 对资格的要求有所不同,最低投资额从5万欧元到120万欧元不等。

  • 作为交换,投资者通常被允许在该国生活和工作3-5年,并可以申请公民身份。

  • 欧盟已经批评了这些项目,声称它们是反民主的,可以作为肮脏资金进入该地区的一种手段。

  • 这些项目的大多数申请人来自中国,俄罗斯人和美国人也在利用。

  • 2016-2019年,这些项目每年为欧洲房地产市场带来35亿欧元。

  • 葡萄牙已经将购买需要翻新的房屋的申请人的投资门槛降低到50万欧元。

  • 这些政策导致了城市的绅士化,房价上涨,并引发了对这些项目的抗议。

  • 西班牙在2022年只发放了136个黄金签证,但人们对其对住房市场的影响仍有怨言。

  • 西班牙政党Más País的Íñigo Errejón批评了这些项目,称其 “几乎是殖民主义”。

  • 欧盟长期以来一直向各国政府施压,要求终止这些黄金签证计划。

  • 随着国内反对意见的增加,一些受申请人欢迎的地方也变得不那么受欢迎了。

  • 不过,市场数据表明,黄金签证对房产价值几乎没有影响。在爱尔兰,每年只有几百个签证被签发,而市场上有6万个住宅交易。葡萄牙的项目只占该国每年30万个房地产交易的0.3%。

  • 那些从事这些项目的人认为,对签证的任何反弹都是暂时的。吸引愿意资助新企业的富裕、技术移民是有好处的,而且这些好处不太可能改变。

  • 一位投资者Chen正在考虑在Grândola的两处房产:一栋单层楼房和一栋有两英亩花园的废弃房屋。如果葡萄牙对最后一轮黄金签证投资者延长宽限期,陈可能会在这两处房产中的一处成交。她还乐观地认为,她最终会在某个地方获得签证,因为她相信,当下一次金融危机到来时,这些项目将被重新开放。

  • Sandy Chen, a retiree from Tianjin, China, is trying to buy a property in Grândola, Portugal before the country ends its “golden visa” scheme. This scheme offers residency and a path to citizenship to foreigners who invest €350,000 in the country.

  • The Portuguese government has indicated that it will terminate the program soon, but if Chen were to sign a contract and submit her application before lawmakers voted, she might still be able to get the visa and live and travel freely in the EU.

  • Chen is hoping to find a property in the town of 14,000 before the program ends, and as she walks down the street, elderly residents come out of their homes to check out the visitor.

  • In 2008, Portugal and other European countries launched residency-for-sale programs to help plug budget deficits.

  • Requirements for eligibility vary, with minimum investments ranging from €50,000 to €1.2 million.

  • In exchange, investors are typically allowed to live and work in the country for 3-5 years and can apply for citizenship.

  • The EU has criticized these programs, claiming they are anti-democratic and can serve as a means for dirty money to enter the region.

  • Most applicants of these programs are from China, with Russians and Americans also taking advantage.

  • The programs have brought €3.5 billion into European property markets yearly from 2016-2019.

  • Portugal has reduced the investment threshold to €500,000 for applicants purchasing a home in need of renovation.

  • These policies have led to gentrification in cities, with rising home prices and protests against the programs.

  • Spain has issued only 136 golden visas in 2022, but there is still grumbling about the effect on the housing market.

  • Íñigo Errejón of the Spanish political party Más País has criticized the programs, calling them “almost colonial”.

  • The EU has long pressured governments to terminate these golden visa schemes.

  • With increased domestic opposition, some popular places for applicants are becoming less welcoming.

  • Market data suggests that golden visas have little to no influence on property values. In Ireland, just a few hundred visas are issued every year, in a market of 60,000 residential transactions. Portugal’s program represents only 0.3% of the 300,000 annual real estate transactions in the country.

  • Those who work with the programs believe that any backlash against the visas will be temporary. There are benefits to attracting wealthy, skilled immigrants who are willing to fund new businesses, and these benefits are unlikely to change.

  • One investor, Chen, is considering two properties in Grândola: a single-story house and an abandoned home with a two-acre garden. If Portugal extends a grace period to the final round of golden visa investors, Chen will likely close on one of the two. She is also optimistic that she will eventually get a visa somewhere, as she believes that when the next financial crisis comes, the programs will be reopened.
