
  • 奇瑞汽车公司是最新一家试图以低端市场的汽油动力SUV来赢得澳大利亚人的中国汽车制造商。中型车欧曼达5的基本款售价仅为32,000澳元,奇瑞与中国的竞争对手长城汽车公司和上汽集团一起,向澳大利亚市场推出了相对实惠的汽车。来自中国的车辆在澳大利亚的销量增长了69%,奇瑞的目标是在今年晚些时候开始销售更大的Tiggo 7 Pro和Tiggo 8 Pro SUV。

  • 欧曼达5塞满了额外的东西,如加热方向盘和外部水坑灯,在这个以喜爱SUV和皮卡而闻名的市场上,欧曼达5显然是一种价格上的推销。在某种程度上,这也是对澳大利亚转向电动汽车的意愿的测试,尽管电动汽车在澳大利亚4月份的新车销售中只占8%。

  • 欧曼达 5拥有出类拔萃的技术,配备了360度摄像系统、电动乘客座椅和尾门、前排座椅加热和电动天窗。尽管它有运动型的外观,但该车在世界最干燥的大陆上实用性有限,其全方位的视觉效果也不令人印象深刻。尽管如此,对于那些以预算价格寻求豪华风格的人来说,奇瑞可能值得一试。

  • Chery Automobile Co. is the latest Chinese carmaker to try to win over Australians with gasoline-powered SUVs pitched at the lower end of the market. The mid-size Omoda 5 is selling for as little as A$32,000 for the base model, and Chery joins Chinese rivals Great Wall Motor Co. and SAIC Motor Corp. in pouring relatively affordable cars into the Australian market. Sales of vehicles sourced from China have increased 69% in Australia, and Chery aims to start selling its larger Tiggo 7 Pro and Tiggo 8 Pro SUVs later this year.

  • The Omoda 5 is stuffed with extras, like heated steering wheel and exterior puddle lights, and is a clear pitch on price in a market famed for its love of SUVs and pickups. To some degree, it is also a test of Australia’s willingness to switch to electric vehicles, though electric vehicles only account for 8% of Australia’s new car sales in April.

  • The Omoda 5 has technology that punches above its weight and comes with a 360-degree camera system, a powered passenger seat and tailgate, heated front seats, and electric sunroof. Despite its sporty exterior, the car has limited utility in the world’s driest continent, and its all-round vision is unmemorable. Nonetheless, for those seeking luxury stylings at budget prices, the Chery may be worth a drive.