警方公开加州除夕枪击案枪手细节 死者画面流出

警方公开加州除夕枪击案枪手细节 死者画面流出

One of many victims being transported from the Monterey Park incident. #montereypark pic.twitter.com/a7vaNWFJlb

— Sal (@news__dude) January 22, 2023

素有“小台北”之称的蒙特利公园(Monterey Park)街头涌入数以万计华人居民,为欢庆一年来最重要的时刻,不幸却爆发无差别滥杀,地点正位于一间舞蹈工作室外。

美东时间昨(21)晚间10时22分左右,素有“小台北”之称的蒙特利公园市(Monterey Park)街头涌入数以万计华人居民,为欢庆一年来最重要的时刻,不幸却爆发无差别滥杀,地点正位于一间舞蹈工作室(Star Dance Studio)外面。警察部门稍早出面证实,已酿成10死、至少10人受伤,枪手尚未落网,已知是名男性,这桩悲剧堪称是加州有记忆以来最严重的一次枪击案。根据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)更新报道,洛杉矶治安官署指挥官迈耶(Andrew Meyer)随后针对枪击作出回应,称农历新年吸引超过10万人到街头庆祝,绝大多数都是亚洲人,“当警方赶抵现场时,眼前净是民众边尖叫、边逃窜”,已证实至少10名罹难者。事后枪手赶紧逃跑,目前尚未掌握行踪。

A gunman killed 10 people and wounded 10 others at a ballroom dance club in Monterey Park, California, following a Lunar New Year celebration, setting off a manhunt for the suspect in the fifth mass killing in the U.S. this month. https://t.co/K1WfXnK0kB

— The Associated Press (@AP) January 22, 2023



Report: Monterey Park mass shooting occurred at a dance club, one of the victims was the boss of the club, "shooter was carrying a long gun and appeared to fire indiscriminately"https://t.co/KN4YJhpn6B pic.twitter.com/BcPgn2N8rK

— Steve Lookner (@lookner) January 22, 2023

Photo taken at the Star Dance Studio on Garfield and Garvey in Monterey Park, California, shows extent of the mass shooting — +10 killed.https://t.co/8KDejH0573 pic.twitter.com/bljeefEgTy

— Fox3 Now (@fox3news) January 22, 2023


《每日邮报》(Daily Mail Online)报道引述治安官助理的说词,称这是一起个别独立案件,10死、10伤的悲剧被列为加州历史上最致命枪击案第4名,也是全美本月第5起大规模枪击。是继去年5月,德州小镇尤瓦尔迪(Uvalde)一所小学枪击案酿成21死,死亡人数最多的一次,堪称加州有记忆以来最严重的无差别滥杀之一。

Sun, 22 Jan 2023 21:12:08 GMT 原文链接🔗: https://news.creaders.net/us/2023/01/22/2569600.html