Capvision的前合规主管Robert Guterma实施了西方竞争对手制定的标准,并聘请了一家纽约律师事务所设计合规计划。
Capvision is an expert-network consulting company in China which connects investors and other clients with inside sources for industry intelligence.
Recently, authorities raided multiple Capvision offices and broadcast details of the sweep in a 15-minute segment on state-run television.
The investigation reinforced a message from Beijing that information about China is a valuable resource and revealing it to foreigners could land them in jail.
Capvision’s main function is to connect clients with sources who have expertise on specific topics, or who work in industries or companies the client is interested in.
Clients include investors such as China International Fund Management and ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management.
The raids follow similar incidents in which authorities paid visits to consultants that specialize in information gathering and count foreign businesses as clients.
China has tightened access to a range of information that outsiders have long relied on, including corporate-registry filings, patents, procurement documents and others.
Capvision was launched in 2006 in Shanghai by veterans of Bain and Morgan Stanley in China.
The moves have heightened concerns among foreign executives that business activities once considered normal are increasingly off-limits.
Expert-networking companies must follow strict compliance protocols to prevent the sharing of confidential information.
Robert Guterma, the former head of compliance at Capvision, implemented standards set by Western rivals and hired a New York law firm to design a compliance program.
Compliance is still a relatively new concept in China and Capvision did not respond to questions about its compliance culture.
Capvision was the fifth-largest expert-networking company by revenue and the largest in China, with 400,000 sources and revenue of $100 million in the first nine months of 2021.
Clients included finance companies, consulting firms, and technology, healthcare, and automotive companies.
Consultants were paid up to $10,000 an hour, though most earned less than $215 an hour.
Capvision had offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hong Kong and billed itself as a global company.
The prospectus warned of risks such as fines or penalties from government agencies or private claims or litigation if the company failed to comply with rules.