
  • 美国咨询业巨头贝恩公司正在为中国的一些员工提供选择,让他们在赚取部分正常工资的同时休六个月的假期。该公司告诉今年收到录取通知书的MBA毕业生,如果他们选择将入职日期推迟到2024年4月,它将支付他们4万美元为一个非营利组织工作,或3万美元学习一门新语言或参加一个教育项目。只要没有利益冲突,被选中参加贝恩在中国的新补贴假期计划的员工也可以为另一个组织工作,如果外部工作的报酬低于其正常报酬的25%,则可获得最高为其在贝恩的基本工资的40%。

  • 这一提议是在中国警方上个月访问贝恩公司上海办事处并询问其员工后提出的。这次访问的性质、原因和潜在后果仍不为公众所知。3月,中国当局还突击检查了美国尽职调查咨询公司Mintz Group的北京办公室,并拘留了5名当地员工。业内人士表示,这些案件给咨询业在中国的前景蒙上了一层阴影。

  • 贝恩是最早在中国站稳脚跟的美国咨询公司之一,在北京、上海和香港设有办事处。该公司新的补贴休假计划可能与任何政府调查或监管环境的变化有关,但这仍不确定。

  • US consultancy giant Bain & Company is offering some staff in China the option to take six months’ leave while earning a portion of their regular salaries. The company has told MBA graduates with offer letters this year that if they chose to delay their start date to April 2024, it would pay them US$40,000 to work for a non-profit group, or US$30,000 to learn a new language or participate in an educational programme. Employees chosen to join Bain’s new subsidised leave programme in China can also work for another organisation as long as there is no conflict of interest, and receive up to 40 per cent of their base salaries at Bain if the outside work pays less than 25 per cent of their normal compensation.

  • This offer came after Chinese police last month visited Bain’s Shanghai offices and questioned its staff. The nature, reason and potential consequence of that visit remains unknown to the public. In March, Chinese authorities also raided the Beijing office of Mintz Group, a US due diligence advisory, and detained five local employees. Industry insiders said these cases have cast a shadow over the consulting sector’s prospects in the country.

  • Bain is one of the earliest American consulting firms to establish a foothold in China, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. The company’s new subsidised leave programme may be related to any government investigation or changes in the regulatory environment, but this remains uncertain.