
  • 2021年初,中国和美国在距离香港150公里的地方进行了军事对峙。

  • 美国军机在该地区发动了一次猎杀潜艇的行动,促使解放军作出回应。

  • 美国销毁了自己的浮动声呐,以防止它们落入北京的手中。

  • 美国在东沙群岛附近的水域部署了传感器,这些岛屿在台湾的控制之下,只有台北和北京宣称拥有。

  • 美国没有正式承认台湾,这可能被视为北京的一种挑衅。

  • 事件发生三天后,马克-米利将军给一位中国将军打了一个不同寻常的电话,以缓和局势并防止战争。

  • 解放军的电子战部队说,近年来,美国在针对中国的潜艇部队方面做出了大量努力。

  • 这包括使用先进的技术来探测和跟踪中国潜艇,使用声纳浮标和各种传感器。

  • 美国间谍飞机利用60米的低空巡航高度来探测和跟踪潜艇,并以协调的方式监测、阻止和遏制中国的潜艇。

  • 美军能够在该地区保持持久的存在,并收集更多关于中国潜艇活动的信息。

  • 中国对美国的存在作出回应,采取更果断的反击措施,保护其在南海的海洋权益。

  • 中国的潜艇部队将越来越多地与空军合作,在潜艇行动中提供支持。

  • 中国正在开发诱饵、电子战能力和隐形技术,以破坏美国的声纳系统并避免被发现。

  • 中国正在与私营公司合作,开发先进的算法、信号处理技术和消磁技术,以帮助潜艇避免被发现。

  • In early 2021, China and the US were locked in a military confrontation as close as 150km from Hong Kong.

  • US military aircraft launched a submarine hunt in the area, prompting the PLA to respond.

  • The US destroyed its own floating sonars to prevent them from falling into Beijing’s hands.

  • The US deployed sensors in waters near the Dongsha islands, which are under Taiwanese control and only claimed by Taipei and Beijing.

  • The US does not officially recognize Taiwan, which could be seen as a provocation by Beijing.

  • Three days after the incident, General Mark Milley made an unusual phone call to a Chinese general to de-escalate and prevent war.

  • The PLA’s electronic warfare unit said the US has made a substantial effort to target China’s submarine forces in recent years.

  • This includes the use of advanced technology to detect and track Chinese submarines, with sonar buoys and a variety of sensors.

  • US spy planes use a low cruising altitude of 60 metres to detect and track submarines, and work in a coordinated manner to monitor, block and contain China’s submarines.

  • US military is able to maintain a persistent presence in the region and gather more information about Chinese submarine activity.

  • China is responding to the US presence by adopting more decisive countermeasures to protect its marine rights in the South China Sea.

  • China’s submarine force will work increasingly with the air force to provide support during submarine operations.

  • China is developing decoys, electronic warfare capabilities, and stealth technologies to disrupt US sonar systems and avoid detection.

  • China is partnering with private companies to develop advanced algorithms, signal processing techniques and demagnetisation technologies to help submarines avoid detection.

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