
  • 大约在去年这个时候,由于Covid-19病例的增加,北京处于封锁的边缘。

  • 今天,北京和中国其他地区正面临新一波的Covid-19病例,许多人是第二次感染这种病毒。

  • 这一次的气氛很淡定,餐馆和其他公共场所开放,许多人没有戴口罩。

  • 中国对该病毒的态度发生了重大变化,从零容忍政策到接受不可能战胜Covid-19的事实。

  • 欧米茄变体的XBB.1.5亚变体是造成最近一波疫情的部分原因,模型显示到5月底每周有4000万例病例,到6月底有6500万例。

  • 老年人和有潜在疾病的人被感染的风险最大。

  • 中国政府放弃对该病毒的控制,导致了去年年底和今年年初的巨大疾病和死亡浪潮。

  • 虽然官方数据显示死亡人数约为84,000人,但一些专家估计已有多达150万人死亡。

  • 尽管如此,许多中国人对政府放弃控制权感到高兴,并急于继续前进。

  • 中国曾表示,其90%以上的人口已全面接种疫苗,然而,由Moderna和辉瑞等公司在西方开发的mRNA疫苗在中国大陆基本无法获得。相反,中国依靠的是效果较差、技术较老的国产疫苗。

  • 中国在3月批准了其首个国产mRNA疫苗,并有大约半打疫苗正在研发中。即使是一些没有接种疫苗的中国人也表示,他们并没有被最近的病例增加所吓倒。

  • 50岁的冯胜燕因患有潜在疾病而没有接种疫苗,她对最近的疫情并不担心。她说 “没有必要恐慌”,并提到了中国医学专家钟南山的预测。

  • Roughly this time last year, Beijing was on the edge of a lockdown due to rising Covid-19 cases.

  • Today, Beijing and the rest of China are facing a new wave of Covid-19 cases, with many people catching the virus for the second time.

  • The mood this time is blasé, with restaurants and other public places open and many not wearing masks.

  • China’s approach to the virus has changed significantly, going from a zero-tolerance policy to accepting that defeating Covid-19 is impossible.

  • The XBB.1.5 subvariant of the Omicron variant is partly responsible for the latest wave, with modeling showing 40 million cases a week by the end of May and 65 million by late June.

  • Older people and those with underlying conditions are at the greatest risk of getting infected.

  • The Chinese government relinquishing control of the virus led to a huge wave of sickness and death late last year and early this year.

  • Though official data puts the death toll at around 84,000, some experts estimate up to 1.5 million people have died.

  • Despite this, many Chinese are happy the government relinquished control and are eager to move on.

  • China has said that more than 90% of its population is fully vaccinated, however, mRNA vaccines developed in the West by companies such as Moderna and Pfizer are largely unavailable in the mainland. Instead, China relies on less effective homegrown vaccines with older technology.

  • China approved its first domestically developed mRNA vaccine in March, and has about half-a-dozen more in the pipeline. Even some Chinese who aren’t vaccinated said they weren’t fazed by the recent rise in cases.

  • Feng Shengyan, a 50-year-old who has not gotten vaccinated due to an underlying condition, is not worried about the latest wave. She said “there’s no need to panic” and referred to Chinese medical expert Zhong Nanshan’s prediction.