
  • 新加坡和中国的国防机构周四签署了一项协议,设立了一条热线,旨在加强双方国防领导人之间的高层沟通。该协议是在国防部长黄永宏和中国国防部长李尚福会晤后签署的,李尚福将在本周末首次参加香格里拉对话安全论坛。这条热线被称为 “安全防御电话链”,是加强国防合作协议的一部分。

  • 两位部长讨论了全球和区域安全问题,以及加强东盟-中国防务合作的实际方法。李将军在会谈中重申了中国在台湾问题上的坚定立场,并表示中国坚决支持亚细安在地区架构中的中心地位,支持亚细安的共同体建设,支持其战略独立性。热线是一条高级别的沟通渠道,对加强相互了解和信任具有重要意义。

  • 中国与美国、日本和韩国等其他国家也有类似的热线,据说2023年中国与亚细安10国之间的安全热线正在试行中。中国领导人是他首次出访香格里拉对话会的头条发言人之一,预计他将在周日发表题为《中国的新安全倡议》的演讲。新加坡国防部说,李将军的访问强调了新加坡和中国之间长期的、热情和友好的双边防务关系。

  • The defence establishments of Singapore and China signed an agreement on Thursday to set up a hotline meant to strengthen high-level communication between defence leaders from both sides. The signing took place after a meeting between Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen and his Chinese counterpart Li Shangfu, who is attending his first Shangri-La Dialogue security forum this weekend. The hotline is known as a “secure defence telephone link” and is part of an agreement to strengthen defence cooperation.

  • The two ministers discussed global and regional security issues, and practical ways to strengthen Asean-China defence cooperation. Gen Li reaffirmed China’s firm positions on the Taiwan question during the meeting, and said China firmly supports Asean centrality in regional architecture, the community-building of Asean, and its strategic independence. The hotline is a high-level line of communication that is important for strengthening mutual understanding and trust.

  • China has similar hotlines with other countries such as the United States, Japan and South Korea, and a trial on a security hotline between China and the 10 Asean countries in 2023 is reportedly in the works. The Chinese leader is among the headline speakers in his first outing at the Shangri-La Dialogue, where he is expected to give a speech on Sunday, titled China’s New Security Initiatives. Mindef said Gen Li’s visit underscored the longstanding, warm and friendly bilateral defence relations between Singapore and China.