
  • 埃里希-马里亚-雷马克的小说《西线无战事》直到现在才被改编成本国语言的电影。(他是德国人)

  • 导演爱德华-伯杰对这个故事的新版本是在雷马克的反战论述比以往任何时候都更真实的情况下推出的。

  • 2015年,德国演员丹尼尔-布鲁尔(Daniel Brühl)加入了制片人马尔特-格鲁纳特(Malte Grunert)的游乐园电影公司,他有一个明确的重点:寻找固有的德国材料,但也有国际吸引力。《西线无战事》符合所有条件。

  • 布吕尔扮演德国作家和政治家马蒂亚斯-埃尔兹贝格尔,他最终作为战败的帝国政府的代表签署了结束战争的停战协议,这使他在当时德国政治右派的眼中成为叛徒。

  • 制作如此规模的作品本来就很不容易的了,但在大流行病的高峰期这样做,只会扩大伯杰和他的制作团队面临的挑战。

  • 制作设计师Christian M. Goldbeck和他的艺术部门为摄影师James Friend建造了一个巨大的战壕布局,用大尺寸的ARRI ALEXA 65摄影机拍摄了所有的荣耀。

  • 伯杰的方法是让观众进入士兵Paul Bäumer的角色,Kammerer在他的第一个银幕角色中扮演了这个角色。出于这个原因,他和弗兰德主要用一台摄像机拍摄这部影片。

  • Friend和Berger从战争摄影中寻找灵感,与其说是为了对作品进行光化学渲染,不如说是为了体现尸体被扭曲和具有布娃娃性质的震撼性。

  • 卡梅勒说,描绘保罗是一种不同寻常的经历,因为他展示了 “情感的调色板”。这个年轻人的旅程从快乐和爱开始,经历了战争的艰辛和恐怖,直到他自己的悲惨命运。

  • 对于来自戏剧界的卡梅勒来说,不按顺序演戏是一种新的体验。

  • 同时,化妆和发型设计师海克-默克(Heike Merker)对影片中展示的许多泥巴的变化失去了记忆。

  • 同时,声音–包括感官丰富的配乐和逼真的声音效果–是让观众沉浸在影片中残酷、泥泞和致命的战争环境中的一个关键组成部分。

  • Erich Maria Remarque’s novel “All Quiet on the Western Front” had never been adapted into a film in its native language until now.

  • Director Edward Berger’s new version of the tale comes at a time when Remarque’s anti-war treatise rings truer than ever.

  • In 2015, German actor Daniel Brühl joined producer Malte Grunert’s Amusement Park Film with a clear focus in mind: seeking out material that was inherently German, but had international appeal as well. “All Quiet on the Western Front” ticked every box.

  • Brühl portrays German writer and politician Matthias Erzberger, who would eventually sign the armistice ending the war as a representative of the defeated Reich government, making him a traitor in the eyes of those on Germany’s political right of the era.

  • Mounting a production of this magnitude would have been exhausting enough, but doing so at the height of the pandemic only amplified the challenges Berger and his production team faced.

  • Production designer Christian M. Goldbeck and his art department constructed a vast trench layout for cinematographer James Friend to capture in all its glory with the large-format ARRI ALEXA 65 camera.

  • Berger’s approach was all about putting the audience into the shoes of soldier Paul Bäumer, portrayed by Kammerer in his first screen role. For that reason, he and Friend shot the film largely with one camera.

  • Friend and Berger looked to war photography for inspiration, less for the photochemical rendition of the work than for the shocking nature of how bodies were twisted and had a ragdoll quality to them.

  • Kammerer says it was an unusual experience to portray Paul because of the “palette of emotions” on display. The young man’s journey starts with joy and love, and progresses through the hardship and terrors of war to his own tragic fate.

  • For Kammerer, who comes from the theater, acting scenes out of sequence was a new experience.

  • Meanwhile, makeup and hair designer Heike Merker lost track of the many variations of mud on display in the film.

  • The sound, meanwhile — including a sensory-rich score and realistic sound effects — was a critical component in immersing the audience in the film’s brutal, muddy and deadly war setting.

链接:How 'All Quiet on the Western Front' Reimagines the Anti-War Epic - Variety

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